
This is a Viberg enthusiast site. It’s currently in beta, and I’m continuing to work on it part-time. Lucky you for finding it.

Explore the large number of Viberg styles and leathers through the website’s extensive image library. The image library can help you answer your pressing questions like “How does Shinki Horsebutt age?”. There are photos. Lots of them. More than 6,000 Viberg listings.

The website also will help buyers and sellers of Viberg boots and shoes gauge their value. The value of the boots and shoes, not the value of the individual. Which would be high. Most likely.

The website automatically collects information. New listings from eBay should be added within a day. While I regularly review new listings, some non-Viberg items might get added due to sellers including “Viberg” in their Red Wing eBay titles. I remove these whenever I find them. The eBay listing information may not be accurate so review the listing carefully before buying a pair.

When searching for shoe size, it’s important to note that sellers may use either the Viberg sizing in the pair or convert it into US sizing. In Viberg’s 2030 last, their sizing typically runs one size larger than US sizing. Therefore, it’s crucial to double-check the listed size to ensure it matches your expected size.

My name is David Kreinheder and I am shoe and boot enthusiast as well as a part-time urban explorer of stiff drinks and fried chicken. I have a number of Viberg boots and have also bought and sold multiple pairs on eBay over the years. I live in Seattle. I also run the Alden Model Project and blog about vintage shoes and shoe care at vcleat.com.

The Service Boot 2030 is my favorite Viberg boot. It fits me well and has good arch support. It also looks the best. To me. If you care about such things. I am a 11.5D on the Brannock device and a 10.5E 2030 fits best. Chromexcel is my boot leather of choice. I prefer a plain toe. Not fussy. Boots with nine eyelets can feel like a chore to lace so I like speedhooks. I like Viberg suede too (so smooth). But no pair is perfect. There are always new, interesting makeups coming out. Boots are a flat circle.